Friday, August 25, 2006

Are you a Closet-Christian-Artist?

Periodically, I receive emails and phone messages from artists looking to do some work for HPP. Unfortunately, at this time I do not have the projects to offer them...even the real pro's out there, just looking for a gig.

But that is about to change....
(Trumpet please: Ba, Ba, Ba...BAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!)....

Writer, Tim Lasuita (Comic Buyers Guide, Mad for Kids et. al...), and I are in the conceptual stages of a project artists and illustrators may have an interest in...especially you closet-Christian-artists out there, who just don't have an outlet to use your God given talents in worship!

We are currently in the process of putting together the first in what will be a series of DVDÂ’s/books that will provide illustrations of the best-known stories/events from the Bible. Our goal is to have a full spectrum of styles and visions represented, (from fine art, to traditional DC-Marvelish style, to abstraction, to chartoonish, to manga), so that this project is open to professional class artists from all styles.

Our primary target audience for these DVDÂ’s will be churches, youth ministries, missionaries and outreach programs, (both domestically and abroad), that would like to integrate cutting edge modern-graphics into their programs and literature which will appeal to their younger audiences and replace the same old clip art they have been using since the dark ages. Alternatively, the finished product, (along with an accompanying published version for the book trade and comic book market), will also be of interest to fans of finer illustration everywhere, especially because of its eclectic collection of styles.

At this time the specific compensation details are being worked out, but in a nutshellÂ…there will be a nominal fee paid to the artists on the front end, with the potential to earn royalty income based on the volume of sales. In addition, each artist will retain the rights to the original artwork and the reproduction rights outside of those required for the project, and we will even assist them in marketing sales of ancillary products, (t-shirts, lithographs etcÂ…), through the infrastructure we create to market this product on the web, (including turn-key order processing if needed). But to be honest, we hope to attract creators more for the appeal of the project and the ability to use it to express the artists talents in a form of worship, verses a "what will I be getting for this" type of mentality.

Currently, our list of tentative participants is: Samaxx Randolf, Mario Ruiz, Dick Ayers, Bob Wiacek, John Workman, Frank Bolle, Brian Rood, Josef Rubenstein, Rudy Nebres, Rich Bonk and Keelan Parham.

This is a wonderful way for artists and illustrators to not only have their work introduced to a whole new audience around the globe, but to use their incredible gifts to express their love and vision of God, as well as do their part in bringing about a renaissance of popular art within Christian worship.

We are currently gauging the number of creators within the artistic community, who might have an interest in becoming involved in this project. If you do have an interest and would like to learn more, than start by contacting me at:

Once we have established the number of potential contributors that will participate, we will provide a complete breakdown of the full compensation plan, and detail our specific production schedule, marketing and distribution plans...from which participants can make a final decision.

Look for that information to be coming in early Oct., once I am done with my primary marketing push for Eye Witness: Acts of the Spirit. Whether you are interested or not, please share this opportunity with overt, or closet-Christian-Creators you may know, who might have an interest.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Robert James Luedke

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