Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I Got the Comic-Con Blues!


Those of you out there who have previously exhibited at, or thought about exhibiting this year at Comic Con International at San Diego (July 2010). The small press deadline for applications were in late Oct.. The deadline for artist alley was in September. And to top it off...they've already had their hotel reservations for exhibitors! All exhibit space is already sold out!

I have traditionally sent in my application anywhere from December to Feb. 1st as the deadline for small press has always been sometime in March to April. But not only did they move it up by 6 months, they did not even have the courtesy to even send out an postcard, or even an email to previous exhibitors alerting them to this change!

What is really annoying is that when you talk to them on the phone about this, they know they've got you "by the short hairs" since they have what everybody wants....and they are incredibly smug. When I told them, it would have been nice if they would have let previous exhibitors know about these dramatic changes in deadline, the response was...we told all exhibitors last year at the con about the changes (which I wasn't one of because of how they screwed up the hotels for small press in 2009) and it was posted on the website. End of story.

Anyway, if you'd like to roll the dice you can send in your small press, artist alley or comic-con table request and be put on the waiting list (don't have to send any money till they pick you...if they pick you). Good luck with that. And, then you can try to secure a room (battling against the 100,000 other people in attendance) when the CCI room reservations open on March 18th ...even better luck with that!

For someone like me traveling in from out of state, one without the other just doesn't work.

So for the second year in a row, I may be shut out of CCI after 8 years of exhibiting. But the good news is, I'm going to be going to almost every corner of this country in 2010 promoting Unknown God and I guess I'll just have to add the Long Beach Comic Con to the list to make up for CCI!

R.J. Luedke

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